Beauty "detox"
Over the past month or so I've reduced a handful of things that I used to do in my daily life. I'll be going into more detail with my...

With Halloween fast approaching all I'm hearing around campus are questions like, what will you dress up as? What should I wear to the...

New Essentials: Product Review
So the other week I ran out of moisturiser and I was running low on face wash as well, so I went to buy some new products (and picked up...

Shopping Haul
So today, instead of doing uni work (well, this was the favourable option!), I went shopping! The first item I'm going to talk about are...

4 You by You
Recently, I have been so mad busy, I've had almost no time to myself (this is the only time in about a week and a half!) . But now that I...

January Loves
January is probably one of the worst months of the year, I mean it's cold and miserable and it's time to go back to school or work after...

Blindfolded Makeup
So me and my friend Erin decided to pucker up and do the blindfolded makeup challenge and it was literally the most fun we've had since...