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Five Feel-good Films


China is great, however my body really doesn't like being here. Over the course of the last two months or so I have been more ill than I have in... I can't remember how many years!

I've had to spend a lot of time in bed resting and recovering (and currently I'm writing this from my bed, after braving the freezing cold for my only lecture of the day!). A lot of the time I am either sleeping or watching a movie or something online (I've recently started watching the Vampire Diaries and I'm really enjoying it). So for today's post I thought it would be nice if I shared with you some of the films I have been watching, especially with Winter getting closer and closer, we could all do with a day in bed or on the sofa snuggled up in a blanket!

Mr Right:

I found this by scrolling through Youku (kind of like Chinese youtube) searching for an English film and came across this and thought why not? It's got Anna Kendrick and she's pretty cool! So I started watching it, and it started off how I'd expect a movie with this title to begin: girl gets dumped and then decides to search for "the one". But after bumping (literally) into a guy at the store, it quickly moves away from this cliched storyline and turned into something I really didn't expect, but I thought it was really funny and an enjoyable watch (maybe because it's kind of full of silliness!).

The Vow:

Anyone else like sad-romance movies? Oh well, I do. This isn't the first time I've watched it has such a bittersweet ending and the two main characters are played by two of my favourite actors: Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams (Side note: Have you noticed how she always plays artists?? eg. The Vow, The Time Traveller's Wife, The Notebook...). They make such a cute on-screen couple and quite frankly I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of their (pre-accident) relationship!

Begin Again:

Another one I found after scrolling through pages of Western movies. It's a really nice easy-to-watch music film with a really star-studded cast (which I love!). I love James Corden in this and it also stars Hailee Steinfeld, who is currently in the charts with the song 'Starving'. Kiera Knightley is beautiful as always in this as an English song-writer who meets, basically, a drunken lost-soul, who promises to produce her record...but, with a difference! No spoilers available, you'll have to watch to find out what happens mwahaha!


Other than making me hungry and wanting to create something magical and extravagant in the kitchen, this film is great. I love Pixar movies and this definitely doesn't disappoint. It's a great one for all the family, or a pick me up movie. Such a classic!

The Duff:

Asides from starring the gorgeous Robbie Amell, it also stars Mae Whitman who I don't think I've seen before (after researching her I found out I have watched one of her other movies, The Perks of Being a Wallflower), she's pretty badass and throughout the movie works hard to prove wrong the label that everyone gives her, with the help of her neighbour/childhood friend. It's a bit of a typical 'high-school proving the bullies wrong' kind of comedy, but it's a really easy film to watch. The deeper message within the film is a good one for all ages to remember: society shouldn't be labelling people and if it does, who cares, just BE YOU!

Fancy curling up at the sofa and watching a film now? I do! It's so cold outside and I just want to stay in bed with my fluffy blanket and a hot chocolate!

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