Top 10 Tips

As I said in my last blog, January can be a really crappy month! Today's blog is going to be all about how to feel good, and it's not just to be used in January, it can be whenever you're feeling down or in a slump.
When first writing this I had a big list of about 20 things so here is my condensed list:
Shake it out:
Listen to some music that makes you feel good and just let loose, dance like you've never danced before!
Movies or Reading:
Immerse yourself and watch or read something that you love. Find an inspiring new book or a comedy movie to watch.
Have a go at this 2016 reading list
Go Outside:
Go outside, take a walk and get lost. Just admire the world's natural beauty. But don't go outside if it's raining...unless you like that kind of thing... Anyway, research says you feel more alive when outdoors so go get some fresh air!
Glam it up:
Dress your best and wear something nice.
Sometimes I just want to wear something comfortable and casual, but it's also nice to dress up a bit. You don't have to dress up for anyone or anything, except yourself. Just wear something that makes you feel happy.
As I have mentioned in previous blogs, exercise is such a great thing for both your mind and body. It releases hormones which help to fight against stress and pain. Also, exercise requires focus so it helps you to block out any negitivity after a long hard day. This is one of my main reasons for going to the gym, it helps me to focus on something other than my day.
Walk away from negativity:
One of the best ways to feel good is to be surrounded by good.
Remove, judgy, rude or grumpy people from your life. Find people who enjoy your company and treat yourselves to a drink for being such great people!
See someone you love:
Call or visit a member of your family or a close friend.
For me, being at uni is great but I miss my best friend from home and something that makes me happy is to see her or talk to her and I am so excited that she will be visiting me soon!
Plan a get-away:
This is another of my absolute loves. I'm constantly day dreaming about all of the places I want to visit. Traveling is such a big part of my life. Even if I don't do one of my planned trips it's so much fun to think about going to a new place, seeing new people, and experiencing a new culture.
Practicing mindfulness or meditation is such a good thing to do for your well being. Meditation doesn't have to be related to religion, it is just a way of clearing your mind and focusing on the stillness. This not only has benefits for you mental health but can also help to improve your concentration and attention span. You also don't have to spend a long time meditating it can be anything you want, from 10 minutes, to 1 hour.
Treat yourself:
Every now and then you should splash the cash and treat yourself to something new, however big or small. After all, if you're not going to spend your money at some point, what's the use in forever saving?
I'd love to hear some of your pick me up tips! Let me know in the comments below
