About Me
Hi there, I'm Charlotte!
Welcome to Charlotte's Web, a place where I enjoy writing and sharing about my life among other things! I'm originally from the Costwolds where I spent a lot of my time outside with horses, or at home cooking.
I'm in my third year doing Contemporary Chinese studies at the University of Nottingham. Many people ask me how I got into this, but basically I found choosing what course to do at university really hard I looked at everything, from architecture to horse management to history. In the end, it came down to learning about different cultures in a humanities environment and the ability to have a year abroad.
I've just returned from my year abroad in China where I studied in Ningbo, two hours south of Shanghai. I had SO much fun! I spent my holidays and free time travelling and immersing myself in the culture. Over summer I stayed in China and backpacked around the country for 3-4 months.
Please feel free to say hi to me at any time, I'd love to hear from you! And please contact me about using my photos or collaborations. You can get in touch with me through any of my social media profiles, leave a comment on the blog or drop me an email at: charlocavlogs@gmail.com
Thank you for reading, I appreciate your support!