Nottingham Bars
After living in Nottingham for nearly 5 months I've found out it's a pretty cool city to live in if you're a student (just to clarify it...

Top 10 Tips
As I said in my last blog, January can be a really crappy month! Today's blog is going to be all about how to feel good, and it's not...

January Loves
January is probably one of the worst months of the year, I mean it's cold and miserable and it's time to go back to school or work after...

Blindfolded Makeup
So me and my friend Erin decided to pucker up and do the blindfolded makeup challenge and it was literally the most fun we've had since...

20 Tips for Exam Stress
Me and many of my friends I know have January exams going on right now, only two left for me now, yay! One of the best ways to do well in...

Highlights: Summer 2015
After being back at uni for nearly a week now, and having completed two exams I am feeling the January blues, like I'm sure many others...

Freshers Survival Guide
After just finishing my own packing to go back to uni tomorrow I am now writing for you my ultimate guide on how to survive freshers with...