Au Pair Thoughts

After arriving home in rainy England yesterday (I'm missing the pool so much!) I have been thinking about my time as an Au Pair over the past two years and I've learnt so much and it has helped me to grow as a person; I'd definitely recommend Au Pairing, especially if you enjoy travelling, as it's a great way to live in another country without all the costs of living! But back to being an Au Pair... I've learnt so much
#1 If you have little ones, there is never a lie-in. Weekend mornings are those of waking up to the sound of crying/screaming children
#2 Breakfast time is the meal from hell. Scratch that, any meal time can be your personal version of hell
You will laugh at their temper tantrums
No, you're not a bad person for laughing at a crying child
#5 You will become the biggest kid ever
#6 You'll love watching that program you loved as a kid more than your kid does!
#7 Au Pairing is probably the best job (you're paid to play, and in some countries, paid to be at the beach or swimming pool everyday!)
#8 You're kids will become the only thing you talk about
#9 But maybe by Friday you can't wait to escape them for the weekend... and that's ok
#10 You're kids will do disgusting things (like spit on you)
#11 You will be made to do things you might think are disgusting
#12 You will get messy...very messy...where there are kids there is always mess
#13 Kids=mess
#14 But no matter how messy, you will love them (probably unconditionally)
#15 You can't and won't stay mad at them for long; no matter if she kicked you or bit you or shouted at you, they won't remember upsetting you and it's not worth holding a grudge. Remember they are only kids after all...
#16 If they are quiet don't trust them
#17 ​If they are not quiet, still don't trust them
#18 Especially if they are quiet, something suspicious is going on... But probably the most important and worthwhile lessons I've learnt as an Au Pair are;
Whilst your primary job is to teach them a foreign language and look after them, you'll probably learn just about as much from them, as they have you
#20 I have learnt the true meaning of selflessness and that is probably the biggest and best lesson
Have you ever been an Au Pair before? What did your experience teach you? Let me know!
